
Показват се публикации от юни, 2012

London in 4 hours

The plane was late. Naturally... Low-cost flight tend to do that... take off was normal, after three hours on ground we were finally a few thousand meters in the air. No one announced the speed or altitude and temperature as I was expecting, maybe they are saving on electricity for the comm's!? At one moment I was looking through the hatch and suddenly realized we were like child's toy in the hands of something higher than us. A strange feeling, but in the same time a calming one. Imagine a small boy running around with it toy plane in one hand and making circles, now imagine you are in this plane... You somehow feel the grip is steady, but in the same time it's shaking and yo have no idea where it's going to turn to. Landing wasn't unbearable, we all applauded the captain and for a reason I think, these airmen are not human, imagine the knowledge and focus and the nerves of steel they posses! The plane stopped right in front of the doors an